
Our first Priority is Jobs:

There are few things as critical to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness than a good paying job you can enjoy. While many are having trouble finding these jobs, employers list ability to find good help as their primary obstacle. So why can’t we all find work?

The solution begins with educating job seekers as to all the jobs which match their skill set and ability. They may need to relocate. They may need additional training which smart employers should offer. Employers who offer living wage jobs need a cost effective employment directory they can use without initial cost. Reasonable fees are paid only after the employee has proven themselves for 30/90 days. We will offer a Find Employment database on our website.

The following is a short example of issues that can benefit from our system of discussion and resolution. Some hot issues are missing intentionally. We will establish a starting point based on our version of common sense. Our final platform will be based on a vote by our membership.

We need a strong press but are tired of alternative facts. We wish to require anyone calling their program news to supply only facts because we wish to be educated voters.
We think privacy is a right and not something that we must request back.

We think everyone deserves a robust education where advancement happens with ability not age. We believe 1-12 needs to be redesigned to include all the skills an adult will need to live and prosper including advanced vocational training. We think anyone who has proven their ability to excel should be able to attend an affordable college.

We need comprehensive healthcare that everyone can afford.

We believe rights are for all regardless. This includes the right to vote.

We need strong boarder policies but want to offer those already here and functioning as productive citizens a path to becoming legal.

We need in a living minimum wage.

We believe money has no place in politics or the justice system.

We despise the use of power for personal gain. Anyone doing so should lose that power.

We appreciate the need for a social safety net but would like more effort to curb abuse.

We want the war on marijuana to end immediately and those imprisoned released.

We want a simple tax code that’s fair for all with an understanding that those who have benefited most from our capitalistic system should pay a little more.

We want to encourage the creation of new jobs by building small business. We want to discourage those manipulating money.

We want to be good stewards of our environment and do whatever we can within reason.

We believe in science and the ability of experts to inform us as to what is, and what is not important about any issue. We then ask those same experts to design the very best solutions and help us make them happen.

We believe those working for us in government, law enforcement, social services, education need to have the same rights we do. No more and no less. They are all civil service jobs and when they stop serving us, they need to start looking for other work.

We believe as a country that no one should go hungry in this land of plenty or be unable to find a clean and safe place to sleep. Regulars to the system need assistance getting back on their feet.

We believe in the documents set forth by our founding fathers but reject the idea they are written in stone. Every law must be tempered by common sense, current practices and fair treatment for all.

We believe our beliefs are fluid and when/as needed, can be changed after vigorous debate and in depth education of the voter.

All these and others can be resolved. Join us now.

The People's White House
736 S Beach St, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 - (844) WE-NOT ME
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